Cooper 发表于 2007-1-12 10:44:30

Every Breath You Take-- The Police

警察乐队是将雷鬼乐与流行摇滚结合得最成功的一支英国摇滚乐队。1978年初“警察”与A&M公司签约,并于4月份出了单曲《Roxanne》,这首歌首次展现了他们创新性的雷吉节奏的奇特摇滚。乐队主唱兼词曲作者的STING[斯汀]是police乐队的灵魂(因为他在演出时喜欢穿黄色横条衫,形象颇似蜜蜂,所以有了sting〔刺〕这个名字),斯汀才华横溢,外型英俊,非常的有女歌迷人缘,他曾经有一段在大学兼职授课的经历,在课堂上女学生的大胆挑逗经常让他非常尴尬,他为此专门创作了一首歌《don''t stand so close to me》歌词幽默,曲调非常的随意、流畅,完美的合音,强烈的节奏,高鼻音的大量运用把起源于牙买加海岸的雷鬼乐自由、极富个性化的音乐特点天衣无缝地融入摇滚乐中,开创了独特的摇滚音乐风格。

Every bond U break.
Every step U take.
I''ll be watching U !

Every single day.
Every word U say.
Every game U play.
Every night U stay.
Every move U make.
I''ll be watching U !
Every vow U break.
Every smile U fake.
Every claim U take.

I''ll be watching U !

Since U''ve gone I been lost without a trace.
I dream at night I can only see Ur face.
I look around but it''s U I can''t replace.
I feel so cold and I long for Ur embrace.
I keep crying baby,baby,please.
Oh can''t U see.
Oh can''t U see.
U belong 2 me.
U belong 2 me.
How my poor heart aches.
With every step U take.

How my poor heart aches.
Every move U make.
Every step U take.
Every breath U take-

Every move U make.
Every vow U break.
Every smile U fake.
Every claim U take.

I''ll be watching U !
I''ll be watching U !

Every move U make.
I''ll be watching U !
Every step U take.
Every vow U break.
Every smile(U fake)I''ll be watching U.
Every step U take.
Every single day.
Every word U say.
Every game U play.
Every night(U stay)I''ll be watching U.
Every move U make
Every vow U break.
Every claim U take.
Every step(U take)I''ll be watching U.
Every breath U take.
Every single day.
Every word U say.
Every night(U stay)I''ll be watching U.
Every step U take.
Every move U make
Every vow U break.
Every game U play.
Every smile(U fake)I''ll be watching U.
Every move U make.
Every single day.
Every word U say.
Every night(U stay)I''ll be watching U.
Every move U make
Every vow U break.
Every game U play.
Every smile U fake.

Every step(U take)I''ll be watching U.

[ Last edited by Cooper on 2007-1-13 at 22:28 ]

个性乖乖 发表于 2007-1-12 11:11:06

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